Category: Business Essay Examples
See our collection of business essay examples. These example essays are to help you understanding how to write essays on business-related topics. The word “business” can refer to a particular organization or to an entire market sector (for example: “the financial sector”) or to the sum of all economic activity (“the business sector“). Compound forms such as “agribusiness” represent subsets of the concept’s broader meaning, which encompasses all activity by suppliers of goods and services. Also, see our list of business essay topics to find the one that interests you.
Value at Risk (VaR) provides an estimate of the greatest likely loss if a known risk were to occur. It may represent the loss in value of a portfolio of shares if a market slump occurred. In practice the analyst calculates the greatest loss that could arise in …
The term value chain is used in two distinct contexts. The concept has developed into a well-known notion within global business and management theory since it was launched by Michael Porter in 1985. Meanwhile, Raphael Kaplinsky’s reinterpretation of the concept is much used within developmental economics. The purpose …
The value network models value creation in the context of firms that create value by making it possible for customers to exchange goods, information, and capital. The value network model is most suitable for the representation of value creation for firms that compete in the network economy. Such …
Value shop models value creation at the firm level in the context of firms that create value by mobilizing resources and activities to resolve a particular customer problem. The value shop model is most suitable for the representation of value creation for firms that compete in the knowledge …
The total cost of a product can be segregated into two broad components: fixed costs and variable costs. Unlike fixed costs, which are constant for a given time period, variable costs change proportionally to the volume of the production units. Variable costs can be defined as those costs …
The South American country of Venezuela, which shares borders with Colombia, Brazil, and Guyana, is one of the major oil producers in the Americas. It was taken over by the Spanish in the early 16th century, initially controlled from Santo Domingo (in the modern-day Dominican Republic), and from …
Venture capital is a type of financing used by small and medium-sized businesses. Because these companies are early in their development cycle, they are riskier investments, leaving them unable to get traditional financing from banks. Although venture capital is a relatively small fraction of global corporate investments, it …
Verizon Communications, Inc., provides broadband and telecommunications services to more than 100 million personal and business consumers. It was formed on June 30, 2000, with the merger of Bell Atlantic Corporation and General Telephone and Electronics Corporation (GTE). It was one of the largest mergers in United States …
A vertically integrated chain represents a series of make or buy decisions made by firms, beginning with raw materials and manufacturing (backward integration) and moving forward to distribution and marketing (forward integration). To this end, a firm may build or buy a wholly owned subsidiary, secure a minority …
Vietnam is a long, narrow country located in southeast Asia, covering an area of 330,363 sq. km. Vietnam has shared borders with Cambodia, China, and Laos. The country had a population of 82.2 million in 2004 and the population growth has been around 1.2 percent annually. The average …
The Virginia Company was a joint-stock company that was chartered by King James I of England in 1606. Its purpose was to build up the British merchant fleet, find precious metals, and establish a permanent British presence in North America to counter the Spanish threat. Originally called the …
Vertical integration is the degree of control and ownership that a company has on the value chain it is a part of. Vertical integration allows a company to be self-sufficient in terms of intermediate goods and distribution of the final products or services. Apple, a premier computer and …
A visa is a document issued by a country giving an individual permission to formally request entrance to the country during a given period of time and for certain purposes. It is usually stamped or glued inside a passport, or is sometimes issued as a separate piece of …
One general and short definition of vision is the aspirations of an organization, namely, what the organization wants to become and intends to achieve in the future. In simple terms, the vision answers the question “Where does the organization want to go?” These aspirations are expressed in the …
Initially conceived as a subsidiary of Racal Electronics, the first mobile phone call was made on the Vodafone network in the United Kingdom (UK) in 1985. Following a demerger in 1991, Vodafone Group plc (VOD) was formed, taking its name from the phrase “voice and data services over …
The Volkswagen Group, a German automobile manufacturer, offers a broad range of products, from middle-class to luxury cars and commercial vehicles. This company is one of the world’s major producers of passenger cars and commercial vehicles, with sales revenue totalling €104.9 billion (2006). Best known from the 1960s …
A voluntary export restraint (VER) is a limit placed on exports by the exporting country, usually imposed because of political pressure from one or more importing trading partners. VERs are typically industry-specific, with prominent examples having been implemented by Japan in the automobile industry and by several Asian …
One of Sweden’s leading global brands, Volvo is known worldwide for the quality and safety of its transportation vehicles and equipment, particularly its automobiles. The best-known aspect of the Volvo brand is Volvo Cars, which is owned by the Ford Motor Company of the United States. This company …
Wachovia (Wachovia Corporation) is a holding company providing commercial banking, retail banking, and trust services to its customers. It offers various banking and financial services through full-service banking offices. It is one of the largest banking groups in the United States with 13 million customers, and it has …
Walgreens is a leading pharmacy chain, mail service, and pharmacy benefit manager, with specialty pharmacy operations in 49 states in the United States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Walgreens is situated in 6,614 locations (as of April 30, 2008) and is one of the two largest …