Category: Essays on Controversial Topics

Browse our collection of essays on controversial topics. Each topic in this category represents a controversial issue and thus is a good choice if you are looking for argumentative or persuasive essay topics.  When writing an argumentative essay or a persuasive essay you should focus on picking a topic that is current and relevant to society and can be argued logically.

While a strong interest in a topic is important, it’s not enough to be interested. You have to consider what position you can back up with reasoning and evidence. It’s one thing to have a strong belief, but when shaping an argument you’ll have to explain why your belief is reasonable and logical. As you explore the topics, make a mental list of points you could use as evidence for or against an issue.

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Asia Pacific Region Politics And Society Essay

This example Asia Pacific Region Politics And Society Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic please use our writing services. offers reliable custom essay writing services that can help you to receive high grades …

Ability Grouping Essay

Ability grouping is the practice of teaching homogeneous groups of students, stratified by achievement or perceived ability. Among the various forms of ability grouping are within-class ability grouping, cross-grade grouping, and between-class ability grouping, also known as tracking. Several comprehensive research reviews have explored whether or not students …

Abortion Essay

Worldwide, some 46 million women have abortions every year. Of these abortions, only slightly more than half are legal, that is, take place under conditions that are medically safe and where neither the woman nor the provider is subject to criminal prosecution. According to the World Health Organization …

Child Abuse Essay

The term child abuse refers to the multiple ways in which children are victimized by the willful or negligent actions of adults. The abusive victimization of children includes three broad categories of harm: (1) caretaker neglect of children’s health and well-being, (2) acts of physical violence by adults …

Child Sexual Abuse Essay

Child sexual abuse refers to adult sexual contact with children under the legal age of consent. Whereas caretaker neglect and physical violence against children became major social problems during the 1960s, the sexual violation of children by adults became a focus for public concern from the 1970s to …

Elder Abuse Essay

Awareness of elder abuse as a social problem has increased in recent years because of attention to the identification of those who are likely to be abused. As the elderly population in the United States and around the world increases, a greater number will be dependent on others …

Intimate Partner Violence Essay

Intimate partner violence (IPV), or abuse, generally refers to violence involving spouses, ex-spouses, and boyfriends or girlfriends and exes. Other phrases sometimes used include wife battering, wife abuse, intimate terrorism, and spousal violence. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention define IPV as the intentional use of physical …

Sibling Abuse Essay

Sibling abuse can be defined as inappropriate behavior among siblings related by marriage, blood, adoption, or living arrangement. This conduct constitutes any behaviors that are not considered age or develop-mentally appropriate. Sibling abuse usually falls in one of three categories: inappropriate sexual behavior or contact, acts of violence …

Academic Standards Essay

Setting high academic standards is a key component in the drive to achieve educational equality today. However, academic standards cannot be separated from the environments in which they exist—in classrooms, schools, districts, and states and nationwide. One important factor in the call for academic standards is political pressure …

Automobile Accidents Essay

An automobile accident is defined as a crash that occurs between an automobile and another automobile, human, animal, or fixed object. Automobile accidents are also commonly called traffic collisions, traffic crashes, motor vehicle collisions, and motor vehicle crashes. Among the professionals who aim to reduce the number of …

Acculturation Essay

Acculturation remains a significant issue in a diverse society. It refers to the process of cultural exchanges as a result of continuous firsthand contact among cultural groups. The primary focus lies in the change occurring among minority group members, particularly immigrants, after adopting the cultural features of the …

Acid Rain Essay

Acid rain refers to both wet and dry deposition of atmospheric materials that contain high concentrations of nitric and sulfuric acid. The wet deposition can include fog, hail, sleet, or snow in addition to rain; the dry deposition is usually dust or smoke. How Does Acid Rain Form? …

Activity Theory Essay

Activity theory predicts that more frequent social interaction and engagement in society will lead people to attain greater life satisfaction, enhanced self-image, and positive adjustment in old age. By remaining active, elders retain the capability of enhancing both their physical and psychological well-being. According to many activity theorists, …

Addiction Essay

Drug addiction as a social phenomenon is a relatively recent construct. That is, despite the use of psychoactive drugs for thousands of years, drug use and abuse only became a social problem when the functioning of a member of a particular group or the activities of the group …

Adoption Essay

Few in the United States have not been touched by adoption—either as members of the adoption triad (biological parents, adoptive parents, and adopted persons) or being related to or having (had) an association with adoption involving others. Adoption is the legal and permanent placement of a child with …

Gay and Lesbian Adoption Essay

Some people see the adoption of children by gay men or lesbians as a threat to the social fabric of society, whereas others view it as an appropriate placement resource for children awaiting an adoptive family. With more than 500,000 children in the nation’s foster care system and …

Transracial Adoption Essay

Transracial adoption (also known as inter-racial adoption) refers to adoptions that occur across racial boundaries. At the level of biology, no adoption is transracial because race is a meaningless category; however, because race is socially significant, transracial adoption remains a controversial method of family formation. In the United …

Affirmative Action Essay

Affirmative action refers to programs designed to assist disadvantaged groups of people by giving them certain preferences. Affirmative action goes beyond banning negative treatment of members of specified disadvantaged groups to requiring some form of positive treatment in order to equalize opportunity. In the United States, beneficiaries of …

Affirmative Defense Essay

The structure of criminal liability or guilt in Anglo-American law is straightforward. (The same structure of liability applies in general in civil suits, but this entry focuses on criminal law.) Crimes are defined by their criteria, which lawyers call the “elements.” Most crimes require some prohibited action and …

Afrocentricity Essay

Afrocentricity is a paradigm based on the idea that African people should reassert a sense of agency to achieve sanity. During the 1960s a group of African American intellectuals in the newly formed black studies departments at universities began to formulate novel ways of analyzing information. In some …