Category: Criminal Justice Essay Examples
See our collection of criminal justice essay examples. These examples are to help you understanding how to write essays on crime-related topics. Contemporary study of criminology and criminal justice is also increasingly interdisciplinary and thus features a broad variety of topics on the causes, effects, and responses to crime. Also, see our list of criminal justice essay topics to find the one that interests you.
The term Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) represents a class of public and private agencies designed to serve as a hub of a coordinated community response to child maltreatment. While the model has its origins in the early efforts to create multidisciplinary child abuse investigative and/or assessment teams in …
Child sexual abuse is the use of a child for sexual gratification by an older or more powerful person. This involves touching as well nontouching behaviors, and includes, but is not limited to, penetration of a child’s vagina, mouth, or anus by penis, other body parts, or inanimate …
The child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome (CSAAS), identified by Roland C. Summit in 1983, describes a common disclosure pattern for victims of child sexual assault (CSA). The syndrome was developed on the basis of clinical observations of victims made by Summit and other treatment professionals. According to Summit, …
Chiswick Women’s Aid was one of the first refuges for women and children fleeing domestic violence to be established in the world. Thirty-five years ago, “wife battering” was seen as a private matter, a hidden and largely ignored problem. A woman and her children living with a violent …
Early leaders in the battered women’s movement consciously defined battering within a larger framework of gender subordination. Domestic violence and sexual assault were linked to discrimination against women in other contexts, including discrimination and harassment in the workplace, wage inequity, gender role stereotypes, and lack of social supports …
Clergy function as religious leaders in a wide variety of religious traditions. In order for them to be effective leaders and counselors, they must be trustworthy. Specifically this means they must not take advantage of the vulnerabilities of those they serve by crossing sexual and emotional boundaries. If …
The Clothesline Project is a public display of shirts created by survivors of intimate partner violence, where each shirt is decorated to tell the story of the woman’s experience. Displays of the Clothesline Project are generally held to provide public education on violence against women and to create …
Coerced sexual initiation is generally defined as the use of persistent coercive strategies (i.e., psychological and emotional manipulation, verbal persuasion, or physical tactics) to initiate sexual contact. Only the tactics and strategies used to initiate sexual contact are specified in this definition, as it does not apply to …
Coercive control involves the use of abusive behaviors to gain and maintain power and control over an intimate partner. These tactics are used frequently in daily interactions in an attempt to control the behaviors of the partner. Physical and sexual violence, or the potential for it, are typically …
There has long been concern about the detrimental impact of divorce on children. Although the research is inconsistent, there is evidence that children whose parents divorce may exhibit a wide range of poor adjustment outcomes compared to children whose families stay intact. The variability in research findings may …
Coined by Robert Sampson, Stephen Raudenbush, and Felton Earls, collective efficacy refers to mutual trust among neighbors combined with a willingness to act on behalf of the common good, specifically to supervise children and maintain public order. In communities where collective efficacy is high, neighbors interact with one …
An estimated 2 million children are said to be involved in the multibillion dollar global sex trade. Child sexual exploitation worldwide consists of two activities: participation of children in the sex trade industry and child pornography. Both involve violence and harm to children, in addition to other hazards, …
Community justice is the label given to restorative social and criminal justice–based efforts to respond to the harm that problems such as bias, prejudice, and criminality cause in a community. Consistent with peacemaking and progressive sociological and criminological approaches, this focus leads to a concentration on education, prevention, …
As gatekeepers to the criminal justice system, police are typically the first responders to intimate partner violence (IPV) incidents and thus shape formal responses to domestic violence. Historically, victims of IPV received little to no support within the criminal justice system. Domestic violence was considered a private matter, …
Community violence is broadly understood to include any violence that takes place in the public arena. Though most definitions of community violence refer to experiencing or witnessing interpersonal violence, such as gang violence, homicides, fighting, robbing, or looting, community violence can also include systematic or institutional violence perpetrated …
Parallel with the increase in homicides and violent crime that began in the mid-1980s was a growing concern over youth’s exposure to community violence. Distinguished from family violence by its location— violence that occurs outside of the home—community violence is a relatively broad term that refers to witnessing …
Community violence broadly understood is any violence that takes place in the community, but it has only been recently understood to include intimate partner violence. In the public domain, the stress and strain of living and witnessing community violence produces a decreased sense of civic control and increased …
Complex trauma may be best thought of as an imprecise label that refers to children in clinical settings who present with a history that includes severe or prolonged exposure to multiple traumas and/or other adverse events and a clinical presentation of serious emotional and behavioral problems and/or conditions …
The Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) and the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2) are the best known and most widely used quantitative techniques used to obtain estimates of violence in intimate relationships. Murray Straus developed the CTS in the 1970s and the original or a modified version appears in …
A contract killing is a unique type of homicide in which one person enters into an agreement with another to have him or her kill a third person for monetary or other gain. Absent reliable baseline data, and given the paucity of research on contract killings, a reliable …