Category: Education Essay Examples
See our collection of education essay examples. These example essays are to help you understanding how to write an essay on education essay topics. Modern education is an interdisciplinary field, including disciplines (to name just a few) such as history and sociology, as well as topical areas such as globalization and technology. Education essay examples below include essays on many disciplinary areas such as curriculum in education, educational policy and law, theories of education, the history of education, and the philosophy of education.
Frequently characterized as a pseudoscientific fad in which a person’s character was read from the shape of the head, during the second quarter of the nineteenth century, phrenology exercised a wide and important influence as a physiological theory of the mind with profound implications for the regulation of …
Evidence of physical education as a discipline can be traced to the early Greeks. The great philosophers of the Greek world posited that the human is composed of body and mind (soul) and that training is required of both. The writings of these philosophers reveal that they believed …
Like sport and education in general, physical education responds to and reproduces broader social values. As such, it is an important topic for those interested in the history of schooling, as well as policy issues in education. This entry looks at the history of physical education in schools …
Place-based education is a philosophical orientation to teaching and learning that emphasizes the study of geographic context, particularly the local community, as a focus of elementary, secondary, and higher education. Its lasting contribution to contemporary Western education is the requisite community study unit in elementary school, which only …
In widely accepted terms, plagiarism is the intentional use of other people’s words or ideas without due acknowledgment. The U.S. Office of Research Integrity defines plagiarism as the “appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit” (§ 93.103), and it is a rapidly …
Although children have always played in open spaces in city settings and around schools, the early history of playgrounds is obscure. Formal playgrounds, however, seem to be an invention of the first half of the nineteenth century. The American educational reformer Henry Barnard (1811–1900) described a “Playground” for …
The Pledge of Allegiance is an important tradition of American education that dates back to the early 1890s when James UpThe Pledge of Allegiance is an important tradition of American education that dates back to the early 1890s when James Upham, the head of circulation at the children’s …
The term policy has many uses and, as a result, is difficult, if not impossible to define in a meaningful way that is free from controversy. Arguably, the disputes over such definitions are largely what create policy in the first place. Said differently, the arguments concerning what should …
The importance of education issues to the citizenry is clear. Public opinion polls and surveys of the U.S. electorate consistently show education at or near the top of a list of issues that interest them. For example, in national survey reports copublished by the Public Education Network and …
Before students ever set foot in a classroom, they have accrued an understanding of teachers and teaching. That is, children come to school already having consumed images and ideas about education. Popular culture (mediated texts like television, films, magazines, music, comic books, etc.) partially informs such a cumulative …
The study and theory of postcolonialism investigates history: the origins of colonialism during the age of discovery and exploration; the ensuing political, economic, and cultural struggles between colonizers and colonized peoples through the twentieth century; and the enduring effects of colonialism upon relationships between individuals, societies, and nations. …
From the perspective of postmodern theory, modern education is seen as the mass education that began in the nineteenth century with standardized curriculum, grades, degrees, and public accreditation. It is criticized as homogenizing, normalizing, and imposing the norms, practices, and values of the dominant society on the young. …
Praxis, in its simplest construal, means “theory plus action.” It indicates life practice formed from both reflection and action. The self, striving to transform the world creatively according to an emerging vision based on its own values, actualizes itself as it actualizes its vision. Because individuals’ actions always …
Until the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, full-time building administrators were not typically found in schools. Since then, the role of the principal has constantly been reshaped, redefined, and renegotiated due to changing demographics, conflicting societal values, and shifting expectations. Throughout …
Prison education is any type of education that has inmates of prisons or jails for students. This includes high school or its equivalency, vocational and academic courses of study, undergraduate, graduate, continuing, certificate, and degree programs. Prison education means different things to different people. The reformer may see …
Privatization represents a worldview that privileges individualism and promotes competition. It operates on the assumed validity of neoclassical economics and the presumption of “free markets.” For schools, privatization is seen in and represented by Channel One television in classrooms, advertisements on stadium scoreboards, soft drink vending machines in …
Many approaches can be taken to better understand the relationship between privilege and education. A foundations of education approach assumes multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary applications and explore the relationship by using historical, philosophical, political, and sociological perspectives. A legal approach that may look at case law argues that education …
Progressive education refers to a philosophy of education and educational practices that began in the late 1890s and has persisted to the present. Often associated with the writings of American philosopher John Dewey, it has been the subject of intense debate throughout this period. This entry reviews the …
The project method was developed by William Heard Kilpatrick (1871–1965) during the progressive period in American education. Based on the teachings of John Dewey (1859–1952), it incorporated modifications and focused on a curriculum which used the child’s life experiences and interests. Kilpatrick was Dewey’s student at Teachers College, …
Psychoanalysis and education have a long history of overlapping concerns and contrasting issues. Sigmund Freud once remarked that education makes psychoanalysis both possible and necessary. In this sense, psychoanalysis might be understood as the prescription for problems created by education. On the other hand, ideas about learning and …