Category: Education Essay Examples
See our collection of education essay examples. These example essays are to help you understanding how to write an essay on education essay topics. Modern education is an interdisciplinary field, including disciplines (to name just a few) such as history and sociology, as well as topical areas such as globalization and technology. Education essay examples below include essays on many disciplinary areas such as curriculum in education, educational policy and law, theories of education, the history of education, and the philosophy of education.
Children’s museums represent important sites for learning that can operate either in conjunction with or independently from schools. Their hands-on approach and play-based inquiry have the potential to draw students into learning in ways that are not as easily achieved in the public schools. The idea of the …
The question of the relationship between church and state is and has been a pervasive problem that pervades all aspects of education in all countries and is not peculiar to this generation. In the United States the relationship is complicated by many religions and the constitutional perspective. The …
Citizenship typically refers to the relationship between the individual and the community, state, or nation. Encompassing aspects of membership, identity, civic knowledge, civic values, dispositions, and civic skills, citizenship education is often narrowly defined as taking place in civics, government, and history classes. But citizenship education is far …
Although the story of federal protection of civil rights is conveniently told chronologically, two themes predominate. First, federal protection of civil rights has a paradoxical relationship with states’ rights. All civil rights legislation has been opposed or limited in response to the argument that the federal government should …
The classical curriculum was intended to prepare the children of the Greek and Roman privileged classes for a life of limited self-government. To meet that goal, the student studied grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic, which medieval scholars labeled the trivium, and music, arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy, later called the …
Class size has been defined as the number of students who regularly appear in a teacher’s classroom and for whom the teacher is primarily responsible and accountable. It has also been referred to as the number of students for whom a teacher is primarily responsible during a typical …
Dress codes and uniform policies have been enforced in very different ways by various schools. Schools’ rationale for banning symbolic clothing may include protecting students’ health and safety, minimizing social class indicators between students, and creating cohesion and uniformity. However, schools have been faced with an increasing number …
Coeducation refers to the practice of educating both sexes in the same setting. In its thinnest sense, this term coined in the nineteenth-century in the United States, need not signify that both sexes teach, or that the curriculum represents or addresses both sexes, or even that both sexes …
Colorblindness is an individual and social idea based upon two primary notions: (1) that to overtly ignore a person’s race alleviates the possible racism that might otherwise operate and (2) that the equal opportunity structure of U.S. society means that failures among various racial groups to achieve can …
Over the past two decades, business leaders have gradually instituted commercial logics and practices across the educational landscape for the purposes of making a profit, attracting a generation of loyal customers, and creating a positive image of the corporate involvement in social affairs. The commercial involvement in schooling …
In 1905, the American Historical Association commissioned the first conference on the teaching of history in American elementary schools. The resultant report was titled, The Study of History in Elementary Schools: Report to the American Historical Association by the Committee of Eight (1912). It advanced a plan that …
In 1893, the National Educational Association (NEA) established the Committee of Fifteen, whose purpose was to revise the elementary curriculum in American public schools in much the same way that the NEA’s Committee of Ten was revising the secondary school curriculum. Groups such as the American Herbartians, under …
The Committee of Seven’s (1896–1899) report, titled The Study of History in Schools: Report to the American Historical Association by the Committee of Seven, had a significant and lasting impact on the practice of history and social education in American schools. Concerned about the status of historical studies …
The Committee of Ten was convened in 1892 by the National Education Association. The purpose of the committee was to develop recommendations for a standardized high school curriculum. Leading educators of the time were worried that too great a degree of variance existed in basic high school curricula …
The idea of community of practice (CoP) has been appropriated by agencies whose enterprise is concerned with teacher education. Its use as a unit of analysis has been limited. However, the Finnish activity theorist, Yrjö Engeström, has developed a theory of activity systems that may be useful for …
Beginning in the early nineteenth century and ending only after World War II, American companies frequently engaged in industrial welfare plans that included extraordinary investments in company sponsored education. Industrial towns, with company houses, churches, recreation, and medical care, dotted the American landscape. Still, the most expensive and …
The field of comparative and international education has a long history, although some argue that it is still in search of a distinct identity. This entry describes the individuals, organizations, and issues that have shaped the field, creating the problem or advantage of its multiple identities. Historical Roots …
During the 1960s, a new approach called compensatory education was created to support access for academically underprepared and economically disadvantaged students. Compensatory education focuses on the individual student and the living and learning environment in which the student interacts. Proponents of this approach charge that environmental conditions, often …
Complexity theory, along with fractal geometry and chaos theory, is one of the “new sciences” that came to prominence in the latter part of the twentieth century. These three fields contribute to a new awareness that nature in its organization is complex, fractaled, and turbulent. This is quite …
The comprehensive high school is a unique product of efforts intended to serve the educational needs of a modern democratic society. Comprehensive high schools are designed to educate students and prepare them to adequately navigate employment, the duties of citizenship, and other facets of adult life. In comprehensive …