Category: Essay Examples

Essay examples are of great value for students who want to complete their assignments timely and efficiently. If you are a student in the university, your first stop in the quest for research paper examples will be the campus library where you can get to view the sample essays of lecturers and other professionals in diverse fields plus those of fellow students who preceded you in the campus.

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Many college departments maintain libraries of previous student work, including essays, which current students can examine. This collection of free essay examples is our attempt to provide high quality samples of different types of essays on a variety of topics for your study and inspiration.

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Female and Child Slavery Essay

Slavery exists today despite international and domestic laws prohibiting ownership of a person or compulsory labor. Article 1 of the Slavery Convention of 1926 defines slavery as the “status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership …

Femicide Essay

Femicide is the murder of women. It is one of the top five causes of premature death in the United States for young women from 20 to 49 years old. Intimate Partner Femicide U.S. women are murdered by an intimate partner (IP) (husband, boyfriend) or former partner approximately …

Feminist Movements to End Violence against Women Essay

Women’s resistance to men’s violence against women seems to be a constant through known history. The terms of that resistance have changed, and yet are often bound up with ideas around gender, sexuality, class, race, colonialism, and other historical systems of oppression. Collective efforts in the United States …

Filicide Essay

Filicide refers to the purposeful killing of a child, son or daughter, by his or her own parent. In addition, filicide identifies the parent who has killed his or her own child. A mother killing her own child can be further classified as maternal filicide. A father killing …

Feminist Theories of Interpersonal Violence Essay

There are various feminist theories of interpersonal violence (e.g., socialist feminism, standpoint feminism, multicultural feminism), but despite this diversity there is a set of assumptions that feminist theories share. First, feminist theorists see gender—that is, the socially constructed expectations, attitudes, and behaviors associated with females and males, typically …

Feticide Essay

Feticide has been deemed the act or occurrence of terminating the life of a fetus, generally with the use of force and intention of harm against the mother. Feticide is particularly deemed as such when causing the termination of the life of the fetus is accomplished unlawfully. The …

Financial Abuse of Elderly and Battered Women Essay

Financial exploitation in this context is generally defined as illegal or improper use of an older individual’s financial resources, which may include money, property, or other assets. While scams and identity theft in which strangers target older individuals do occur, in most cases of financial exploitation, the perpetrator …

Financial Literacy versus Financial Abuse Essay

Financial literacy is commonly defined as skills and knowledge that enable individuals to manage their finances, reach financial goals, build assets, and engage the mainstream economy. Financial education is an important tool that sets individuals on the path toward economic security and financial independence. The power of financial …

Foot Binding Essay

Foot binding was practiced in China on young girls, usually at age 4 to 6, for about 1,000 years, from the 10th to the 20th centuries. The toes on each foot, except for the big toes, were broken—bent under and into the sole—then wrapped with the heel as …

Forced Marriages Essay

Forced marriage is defined as a marital union where at least one of the intended spouses refuses to participate but is intimidated into marrying. The issue drew the attention of women’s advocates, law enforcement, and policymakers internationally when Britain attempted to criminalize it in 2005. While the bill …

Forced Military Conscription Essay

Forced military conscription describes the recruitment of civilians into an armed group through the use of physical force. State military conscription, in which a country legally requires its citizens to serve in its military, has existed for centuries. Popularly known as “the draft” in Western countries, conscription became …

Forensic Nursing Essay

Forensic nursing is the nursing care of crime victims and people who are accused or convicted of committing crimes. The term forensic nurse came into use in 1992 after a group of about 70 sexual assault nurses met in Minneapolis and started the International Association of Forensic Nursing. …

Foster Care Essay

Foster care is a social service providing temporary care to children whose homes are unsafe because of child maltreatment or parent or caregiver incapacity. When the substitute caregiver is related to the child, foster care may be referred to as kinship care. Typically, the term foster care includes …

Fraternities and Violence Essay

There are two very distinct literatures on violence as related to fraternities, with only the smallest overlap. One literature, on hazing, touches lightly on predominantly White (PW) fraternities and is mainly concerned with violence in hazing in historically Black (HB) fraternities. The other literature is almost completely focused …

Full Faith and Credit Mandate Essay

The Full Faith and Credit (FF&C) mandate requires states to honor and enforce (or give FF&C to) the orders of protection and to stop stalking issued by other states. The FF&C clause of the U.S. Constitution (article IV, § 1) and the statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1738, require …

Gang Rape Essay

Gang rape is a serious and greatly understudied form of rape. Gang rape is also sometimes referred to as group rape. Both terms refer to a rape or sexual assault committed by more than one perpetrator against one victim. Most research on gang rape has focused on cases …

Gang Violence Essay

The problems posed by gangs in many communities have received increasing attention in the United States and, more recently, in some European nations as well. What is called delinquent behavior when the gang member is a minor and criminal behavior when the gang member is an adult has …

Genocide Essay

Genocide has emerged as one of the most important problems facing the international community. It stands alone in terms of the human suffering, loss, and death it engenders as well as the destruction of homes, property, and even cultures. Research suggests that during the 20th century, genocide and …

Gendercide Essay

Gendercide is the practice of killing a child, or letting a child die by not taking care of him or her, because of his or her gender. Sex-selective abortion, or feticide, refers to a particular method of gendercide in which a fetus is aborted after determining, usually through …

Geographic Patterns Essay

Criminologists, law enforcement officials, and city planners have long been interested in the relationship between geography and crime. Some of the earliest empirical studies of crime were conducted in the 1830s and 1840s by Andre Michel Guerry and Adolphe Quételet, who plotted recorded crimes on maps and showed …