Category: Essay Examples

Essay examples are of great value for students who want to complete their assignments timely and efficiently. If you are a student in the university, your first stop in the quest for research paper examples will be the campus library where you can get to view the sample essays of lecturers and other professionals in diverse fields plus those of fellow students who preceded you in the campus.

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Many college departments maintain libraries of previous student work, including essays, which current students can examine. This collection of free essay examples is our attempt to provide high quality samples of different types of essays on a variety of topics for your study and inspiration.

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Acculturation Essay

Acculturation refers to the adaptation process experienced by individuals or groups when settling into an unfamiliar culture. Whereas some migrating groups may seek to integrate with the host culture, others may choose to maintain their cultural roots and separate themselves from the “new” dominant culture. In a world …

Achieved Status / Ascribed Status Essay

Dutch anthropologist Fons Trompenaars and English business professor Charles Hampden-Turner developed seven dimensions of culture that give key insights into successful international trade negotiations. The two researchers studied how people in specific countries resolve dilemmas, and based on an examination of thousands of respondents in over 100 countries, …

Acquisitions, Takeovers, And Mergers Essay

Acquisitions, which include mergers and takeovers, are a part of business strategy involving the combination of two or more businesses, with or without the cooperation of all parties. Once a rare occurrence, these maneuvers became a typical part of doing business on a large scale in the 20th …

Ad Valorem Duties Essay

Ad valorem duties are duties that are a fixed percentage of the price of the imported good. While conceptually straightforward, the administration of ad valorem duties may be complex, reflecting the practical difficulties in establishing the value of imported goods. An ad valorem duty, or tariff, is in …

Advanced Pricing Agreement Essay

An advanced pricing agreement (APA) represents a binding agreement between a multinational corporation and a country’s tax authority as to the transfer price for a specified cross-border transaction known as the covered transaction. A typical APA will specify the covered transaction, the agreed transfer price, and an effective …

Advertising Essay

Advertising is one of the four primary forms of promotional (or integrated marketing communications) activity employed by marketing organizations to informatively and/or persuasively communicate with consumers and other targeted audiences. Advertising differs from other major forms of promotional activity (i.e., personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations) in …

Aegon Essay

Aegon (Aegon N.V.) is one of the biggest insurance companies in the world. As a holding company, its main activities include various financial products such as life insurance, non-life insurance, savings, pensions, and investments. Aegon is a Netherlands based company that was incorporated in 1983 and now employs …

AEON Essay

AEON (or ÆON Co. Ltd.) is a well-known general retail company. AEON is the parent company of a group of companies. The company operates general merchandise stores, supermarkets, specialty stores, drug stores, and convenience stores. AEON is a Japan-based company incorporated in 1926 that now employs around 70,000 …

AEX General Index (Amsterdam) Essay

The desirability of tracking the performance of elite stocks led nations in Eurasia, North and South America, Africa, and Australia to establish stock exchanges in the 20th century. Dating to 1983, the Amsterdam Stock Exchange Index, today the AEX Index, has listed as many as 25 of the …

Africa Essay

The African continent remains by and large marginalized in the world economy, with over half of the population living on under US$1 a day per person. Its share of worldwide exports has fallen from 6.1 percent in 1960 to 2.4 percent in 2006. The portion of worldwide foreign …

African Development Bank Essay

Established in 1964 by 23 African governments, the African Development Bank Group manages the African Development Bank, the African Development Fund, and the Nigeria Trust Fund, to the end of social and economic improvements throughout Africa. Operations began in 1966 from an Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, headquarters, which has …

Agents Essay

Agents are the intermediaries who help to develop and maintain the channels of distribution. Agents arrange for sales between two parties and get paid usually in commission. An agent’s duty is to understand the marketer’s business model and market objectives so that they can help the marketer to …

Agreement On Trade-Related Aspects Of Intellectual Property Rights Essay

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are the rights given to persons over the creation of their minds. Intellectual property includes copyright (for example, the rights of authors of literary and artistic works) as well as industrial property (for example, trademarks and patents). The need to protect IPR was discussed …

Algeria Essay

The People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria (population 33,769,669 in 2008, GDP $225 billion in 2007) is an industrialized and predominantly Muslim country in North Africa. The largest country on the Mediterranean coast, it is also the second-largest in Africa, and a member of the United Nations, the African …

Allianz SE Essay

The German company Allianz SE, founded in 1890, is now the largest international insurance and financial services organization in the world. The two founders were Carl Thieme, the director of the Munich Rückversicherungs-Gessellschaft (Munich Reinsurance) and Wilhelm Finck, a Munich banker, and its original headquarters were in Munich. …

All Ordinaries Index Essay

Established in January 1980, the All Ordinaries or All Ordinaries Index (known colloquially as the All Ords) is the oldest stock index in Australia, so called because it contains nearly all ordinary (or common) stock listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Its creation coincided with the establishment …

Alternative Dispute Resolution Essay

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is an umbrella term embracing various processes principally designed to overcome some of the alleged weaknesses in litigation. For instance, ADR is generally cheaper, less adversarial, and simpler than litigation, and ADR techniques offer a greater range of remedies than the courts. Contracts can …

Altria Group Essay

In the 1950s, a widely publicized article in Readers’ Digest focused upon the health hazards associated with cigarette smoking. Since then, few companies have endured sustained attacks on their core product as much as has the Altria Group. There have been numerous changes within the Altria Group, many …

American Depository Receipt Essay

An American Depository Receipt (ADR) is a U.S. dollar-denominated negotiable certificate that represents shares listed on an overseas stock exchange that is traded in the United States. ADRs are issued in the United States by a depository bank that owns the underlying foreign shares and holds them in …

American International Group Essay

American International Group (AIG) is a financial services company that provides services in four distinct areas: General Insurance, Life Insurance, Financial Services, and Asset Management. Despite its name, AIG was founded in Shanghai, China, in 1919. Its first business area was selling insurance to Chinese customers. The business …