Category: Essay Examples

Essay examples are of great value for students who want to complete their assignments timely and efficiently. If you are a student in the university, your first stop in the quest for research paper examples will be the campus library where you can get to view the sample essays of lecturers and other professionals in diverse fields plus those of fellow students who preceded you in the campus.

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Many college departments maintain libraries of previous student work, including essays, which current students can examine. This collection of free essay examples is our attempt to provide high quality samples of different types of essays on a variety of topics for your study and inspiration.

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Environmental Standards Essay

Environmental standards are recommended or compulsory  policy specifications  designed  to  regulate human,  generally business, effects on the  environment,  the  surroundings in  which  an  organization operates. Compliance means conforming to a policy specification that has been clearly defined. The International  Organization  for Standardization (ISO) is the  confederation   for  environmental,   …

E.ON Essay

E.ON describes itself as the world’s largest investor owned power and natural gas company. E.ON is involved in every step of the power supply chain from development, through transportation, to final delivery to customers.  The company describes its wide range of activities as not only allowing it to …

Equities Essay

The term  equity means  different  things  in different contexts. In the business world, equity usually refers to stocks or other securities that represent ownership rights (to a company or some other business entity). A person possessing any amount  of equity in a company owns the corresponding portion  of …

Estonia Essay

The country  of Estonia is the  northernmost of the three  Baltic States, having been  a part  of the  Russian Empire from 1721 until independence  in 1918. In 1940, it was invaded by the Soviet Union, and in 1941 it was invaded again, this time by Nazi Germany. The …

Ethnocentric Human Resource Policy Essay

The term  ethnocentric is derived from the Hellenic (Greek)  word  εθνοκεντρισμός,  a  composite   word that consists of the term έθνος, which means nation, and the term κέντρο, which means center. The meaning of the term is identical in both the Hellenic and the English language, and signifies that …

Ethnocentrism Essay

Ethnocentrism refers to the human tendency to view the world through  the lens of one’s own culture. An ethnocentric individual considers their race or ethnic group  and  aspects  of their  culture—behavior,  customs, language, and religion—as superior  to others and judges them in relation to their own. This affinity …

Euro Essay

The euro is the currency  of those member  states of the European Union (EU) that (1) want to use a common currency with other members of the Union, and  (2) meet the criteria for joining the “eurozone.” As of July 2008, 15 countries within the EU use the …

European Bank For Reconstruction And Development Essay

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development  (EBRD) was founded  in May 1990, and inaugurated  in April 1991, and works in the economies of 27 countries  in central  and  eastern  Europe  and central Asia with a view to ensuring them a stronger economic outlook and strengthening democracy. Its …

European Coal And Steel Community Essay

The European  Coal  and  Steel Community  (ECSC) was a supranational  organization instituted under the 1951 Treaty of Paris, which provided a framework for the pooling of coal and steel resources across member countries. The ECSC was designed to make future military conflict between France and Germany materially impossible  …

European Monetary Union Essay

The  European  Monetary  Union  (EMU) represents countries   within   the   European   Union   that   have agreed to have a common  currency, the euro, and a common  monetary  policy. As of July 2008, 15 of the 27 countries that form the European Union were part of the EMU. The EMU is …

European Union Essay

An international organization  comprised  of independent nations that share their sovereignty to be stronger and have a greater global influence, the European Union (EU) was created by the Maastricht Treaty (1992), and put into operation by 12 countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Ireland,  …

Exchange Rate Essay

An exchange rate is the price of one national currency expressed in terms of another  national currency. Put another  way, the rate of exchange between two currencies, A and B, represents  the amount  of foreign currency  B that  can  be obtained  with  one  unit  of domestic  currency  A …

Exchange Rate Risk (Or Currency Exposure) Essay

Exchange rate  risk refers to the  risk of loss due to adverse movements in exchange rates. Currency exposure  refers more  broadly to the possibility that exchange rate changes will result in either a gain or a loss. These gains or losses can affect individuals, firms, or investors and …

Exchange Rate Volatility Essay

Exchange rate volatility is a measure  of the fluctuations in an exchange rate. It can be measured  on an hourly, daily, or annual basis. Based on the assumption that changes in an exchange rate follow a normal distribution,  volatility provides an idea of how much the exchange rate …

Ex-Factory (Ex-Works) Essay

Ex-Factory, or Ex-Works (EXW), is an INCOTERM, one of the  13 international commercial  terms  used to describe the responsibilities  of buyers and sellers in an  international trade  transaction.  Standardized trade terms have a long history to which INCOTERMs are a relatively recent  addition. These terms were originally deployed …

Ex-Im Bank Essay

The purpose of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) is “to assist in financing the export of U.S. goods and services to international markets.” The Ex-Im Bank provides export financing solutions that fill gaps in trade financing arising when the private sector is unable or …

Expatriate Essay

Expatriates are a distinct form of cross-cultural  traveler, principally  characterized  by the  duration  and purpose  of their  presence  in the  host  country.  An expatriate  can be defined as an individual who lives temporarily  outside  their  home country  in order  to undertake  a specific job, project, or assignment. This …

Export Essay

Export  is a process  in which products  are shipped or sent from one country to another  country for the purpose of trade or sale; it is the opposite of import. For example, Company A located in the United States sells and sends its products from the United States …

Export Assistance Program Essay

National governments have a vested interest in a high export quota. Not only do exports allow for the accumulation  of foreign exchange reserves, exports  also increase  employment   levels, improve  productivity, and foster overall prosperity. At the same time, governments   recognize  the  formal  trade  barriers  and the practical challenges …

Export Financing Essay

In today’s business, competition  in all export  transactions takes place not only in the fields of product quality  and  pricing,  but  also in attractive  payment terms  offered by the  exporter  to the  foreign buyer. Extending  credit  to  foreign customers  can be seen as a crucial means of enhancing …