Category: Political Science Essay Examples
See our collection of political science essay examples. These example essays are to help you understanding how to write a political science essay. Political science is not merely an academic discipline, and political scientists do not just study the anatomy of politics. Political science is renewed with every political administration and with every major political event and with every political leader. Influential political leaders construct their own -isms (Fidelism/Castroism, Maoism, Gandhism, Reaganism, and so on) so that the political philosophies and ideologies that undergird the discipline have to be reinvented constantly. Also, see our list of political science essay topics to find the one that interests you.
The apocryphal origin of the term laissez-faire is traced to Jean-Baptiste Colbert, finance minister to Louis XIV in seventeenth-century France. Colber t, who believed in state wealth and regulation (turning France into “a nation of shopkeepers” according to English political economist Adam Smith), at one time asked a …
Language policy involves taking an official or authoritative stand about languages and the use of languages in a given territory or state. Language policy that legitimizes language X may be perceived by the users of language Y to disfavor their language. Therefore, there are usually political, social, economic, …
Anthropologists, social psychologists, and linguists have long known that language is not usefully thought of as a mechanism that conveys meaning all by itself. Meaning, political and otherwise, is always a function of the context from which it springs. It is as dependent on the various needs, desires, …
Harold Laski (1893–1950) was a twentieth-century British political theorist and the author of more than twenty books and thousands of articles. He was also a celebrated teacher at the London School of Economics and Politics, a prominent leader in the Labour Party, and a widely read public intellectual …
American political scientist Harold Dwight Lasswell (1902– 1978) was considered a great scholar and a terrific mentor, but his name was never a well-known one in his field. Lasswell joined the American Society of International Law in 1948. He was vice president of the organization from 1966 to …
Since the 1990s, globalization has become a buzzword in Latin American political science. Although it has many meanings, the term is generally employed as a met concept to explain a complex set of processes. These processes include the liberalization of trade; the emergence of new forms of social …
Latin America’s political economy has been marked by major swings from outward-oriented, liberal trade policies in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, to some of the most sustained efforts at import-substituting industrialization (ISI) in the mid-twentieth century, back to significant experiments in neoliberal, market-oriented reforms in the …
Latin American thinkers have always engaged themselves with the main intellectual currents emanating first from Europe and later from the United States, adapting them to their particular societies. After securing independence from Spain and Portugal, the region confronted the challenges associated with nation-building, while liberal and conservative parties, …
Latin America is composed of those twenty-one republics of the New World formed from the Spanish and Portuguese empires. Often former British, French, and Dutch colonies in or bordering on the Caribbean are included in the definition, although by culture and historical experience they are distinct. Because the …
Latino partisanship in the United States, as measured by voting behavior, has typically favored the Democratic Party by a two-to-one margin. This preference is due in part to Latinos holding a more positive image of the Democratic Party— specifically, as being more receptive to the needs of economically …
Latino partisanship in the United States, as measured by voting behavior, has typically favored the Democratic Party by a two-to-one margin. This preference is due in part to Latinos holding a more positive image of the Democratic Party— specifically, as being more receptive to the needs of economically …
Latino politics refers to the political values, attitudes, and behaviors of the Latin American–origin populations in the United States. This includes how they engage U.S. political, economic, social, and cultural institutions, as well as how these institutions respond to Latinos. Definition Latinos (also known as Hispanics) are U.S. …
Comparative law is the study of different laws, legal cultures, and legal systems. The study of comparative law can be traced back to the earliest studies of law and politics. Plato’s Laws, for example, centers on a stranger’s quest to examine the laws of the different cities of …
The phrase law and society refers to three interrelated phenomena of relevance to political scientists. First, the phrase signals the general tradition of interdisciplinary sociolegal scholarship that developed over the past half century around the globe to analyze how law, politics, and social forces or practices are interrelated …
Mathematically trained Paul Felix Lazarsfeld (1901–1976) was a leading empirical sociologist who is celebrated for his contribution to, in the words of Jonathan Cole in his 2004 keynote address at a symposium honoring Lazarsfeld, “scholarly revolutions that catapulted American research universities to positions of preeminence.” Lazarsfeld was born …
Leadership refers to a social relation in which one actor influences numerous supporters in a lasting and systematic way. Definitions of leadership highlight actors’ abilities (e.g., talent, virtues), personality features (will, determination), relational characteristics (trust, charisma), functions (directing, transforming), and social status (aristocratic background) as bases for holding …
The League of Nations was founded as a result of the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I (1914–1918).The League’s primary goal, to prevent war, would be accomplished through collective security, the peaceful settlement of disputes between nations, and ensuring good behavior of nations through the application …
Gustave Le Bon (1841–1931) was a French medical doctor and psychologist who had a major impact on the study of crowd psychology and mass political behavior. Le Bon was a prolific writer and a popular fixture in French intellectual society in the early years of the twentieth century. …
The left-right dichotomy is a conceptual tool to describe and classify political parties, actors, ideologies, attitudes, and specific policies along a spectrum. Historically, the terms left and right refer to the seating positions in the National Assembly, during the French Revolution, of pro– and anti–Ancien Régime members. The …
Since the founding of the United States, law and politics have been clearly intertwined. Alexis de Tocqueville reported that, in the United States, most legal issues become political issues and vice versa. Tocqueville also stated that lawyers were the American aristocratic class, influencing both law and politics in …