Category: Political Science Essay Examples
See our collection of political science essay examples. These example essays are to help you understanding how to write a political science essay. Political science is not merely an academic discipline, and political scientists do not just study the anatomy of politics. Political science is renewed with every political administration and with every major political event and with every political leader. Influential political leaders construct their own -isms (Fidelism/Castroism, Maoism, Gandhism, Reaganism, and so on) so that the political philosophies and ideologies that undergird the discipline have to be reinvented constantly. Also, see our list of political science essay topics to find the one that interests you.
A political regime consists of the chief institutions by which the state exercises its authority. Regime change is a fundamental alteration in these institutions. It occurs when there is the wholesale replacement of one set of institutions by another, such as the replacement of communist regimes by democratic …
Comparative regionalism refers to studies that examine similarities and differences among regional groupings in the global system to understand the underlying causes, processes, and effects of regional integration. Most comparative integration studies apply the frameworks of politics, economics, and law to analyze the context of regionalism and its …
Regional security pertains to the theoretical and empirical conceptualization of security from a macro regional perspective. It stems from the idea that regional security has a degree of autonomy from global collective security and from national security strategies. In a globalized world, which accentuates the circulation of people, …
Region usually denotes a territorial unit, with or without political identity, and the corresponding form of government. This is typically an area smaller than the state but larger than the lowest local administrative layer, which in most countries are the municipalities. Within this perspective, there are different types …
In its most basic form, ordinary least squares (OLS) regression describes the linear relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables by fitting a line or plane to a collection of data points. Most introductory treatments of regression analysis use examples with dependent and independent …
Like many other political concepts, regulation is hard to define, not least because it means different things to different people. The term is employed for a myriad of discursive, theoretical, and analytical purposes that cry out for clarifications. It is also a highly contested term. For the far …
Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957), an Austrian American psychoanalyst, stands as one of the most controversial and groundbreaking figures in psychology. A collaborator with Sigmund Freud during the 1920s, Reich would later combine Freudian psychoanalysis and study of the individual personality with a Marxist sociopolitical analysis of social relations. His …
Power is normally thought of in terms of the absolute capacity of an individual, institution, or state. But power is also the capacity of A to get B to do what B would otherwise not do of its own choosing. In power relations, the capacity of one entity …
Relativism refers to any doctrine holding that concepts and beliefs are relative to conditions and thus not universally valid. Relativists usually argue that because one’s cultural or historical context determines one’s core beliefs, universal knowledge is impossible to discover. This argument moves from descriptive relativism, or the factual …
Reliability is the degree to which a measure of a theoretical concept has variable errors. The measure is reliable if measuring the same concept several times produces the same results in each instance. A measure is assumed to contain a fixed part and a variable part. The spread …
In social science research, the terms reliability and validity refer to the accuracy of measurement. Inaccurate measurements may lead to erroneous or artificial conclusions or inferences. Reliability Reliability refers to consistency and uniformity of measurements across multiple administrations of the same instrument. More simply, there should exist some …
Religion and politics are concepts that designate two different and interdependent subsystems of society. Although the concepts are separated analytically, the relationship between religion and politics is characterized by interdependence. A definition of religion widely accepted among social scientists is provided by Peter Berger (1967, 1999), who defines …
In 1843, Karl Marx announced, “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of spiritless conditions. It is the opium of the people.” And it seemed that a little more than one hundred years later, many …
Religious or confessional parties are political formations that promote religious ideas, symbols, policies, and goals. Whereas religious parties make religion central to their activity, other parties use religion and religious symbols to gain additional electoral support, without making religion their main concern. Their social base is represented by …
Religious persecution can be broadly defined as an action that either obstructs or inhibits religious practice or that seeks to impose particular religious or antireligious norms. Students of religious persecution disagree about what constitutes persecution; some scholars consider any adversity caused due to religious belief to be persecution, …
The religious right refers to the political movement of Christian conservatives, most of whom are evangelical Protestants, which began in the United States in the 1970s, gathered momentum in the 1980s, and became institutionalized in the 1990s. Some supporters actually see the term religious right as derogatory, preferring …
Karl Renner (1870–1950) was an Austrian socialist who was the chancellor of the Austrian Republic from 1918 to 1920 and president of the Second Republic from 1945 to 1950. During his first term he signed successive peace treaties yielding Austrian territory to Czechoslovakia and Italy. In 1919 he …
Rent-seeking, broadly conceived, is the allocation of resources by people or organizations in the pursuit of rents created by the government. The conceptual framework of rent-seeking emphasizes the net welfare loss to society because of intervention failure. An increased economic and financial regulatory role of the government is …
Reparations are a long-standing legal, moral, and cultural concept that has, in recent years, attracted considerable attention from human rights advocates, political leaders, survivors of atrocities, and researchers. Defining Reparations Scholarship on reparations, or redress, has struggled to address widespread confusion and disagreement over the meaning of key …
Representation is one of the more vexing, even mysterious, concepts in politics. How can a political system make present that which is not present? To many political thinkers it is an impossibility. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, for one, simply believed that “the instant a people chooses representatives, it is no …