Public Domain Essay

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Public domain can refer to land that is under the direct control of a government, or to art, literature, music, or other intellectual property that is no longer under copyright restrictions. Public domain includes those territories that belong to the central government and not state or private entities. It typically includes parks, nature reserves, and other common spaces. Although public domain areas are generally considered to exist for the benefit of all citizens, governments may sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of the land to pursue national interests. In the United States, much of the nation’s early history involved efforts by the federal government to encourage settlement of public domain areas, especially as America acquired new areas of the West.

Public domain books, paintings, or songs are considered to form the cultural fabric of a society, and are therefore open for use by individuals, groups, or corporations. Copyright laws generally grant people exclusive rights over their creations during their lifetimes, plus fifty-seventy years. Items may be in the public domain through one of several ways, including if they were created prior to the establishment of copyright law, the copyright timeframe has expired, or through the voluntary release by the artist or creator.

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