Radicalism Essay

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Radicalism refers to extreme political, social, and cultural ideologies that emphasize fundamental changes in the existing order. Historically, political radical movements have attempted to dramatically remake their contemporary societies seeking widespread reforms impacting the powers and functions of the state. Early American radicalism culminated in the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), which led to the creation of a new government. Shortly thereafter revolutionary movements began manifesting in Europe, most popularized by the

French Revolution (1789–1799). With the French Revolution, the radical ideologies and leaders ushered in liberalism by emphasizing individual rights and liberties and the end of absolute monarchies.

This form of radicalism eventually spurred democratic, abolitionist, and, later, suffragette movements in Europe and the United States. New radical movements in the midto late nineteenth century critiqued the economic and social inequities of the period and laid the basis for modern socialism and communism. With the end of the cold war in 1991, new ideologies emerged challenging the growing instances of globalism, in which multilateral state alliances and international cooperation expanded as countries sought to work globally rather than in isolation. Additionally, radicalism can manifest as an inward or outward social focus. For instance, from the Middle Ages to the creation of 1970s communes, some radical groups have sought to achieve their societal reform by withdrawing from the mainstream in order to implement the changes they desire within smaller communities.

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