Self-Government Essay

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Concerning public life, self-government is the capacity for a group of people or administrative unit to govern themselves on matters of their jurisdiction without direct interference from other authorities or sources of power. In contemporary societies, self-rule or home rule mainly refers to the wishes of subnational communities to take responsibility on powers that directly affect them, and arguably to improve democratic accountability. The quest for a greater political say in the running of public affairs may impel the communities concerned to claim self-determination and eventual independence, as the decolonization process after World War II (1939–1945) illustrates.

The politics of territorial accommodation seeks to recognize the aspirations of regions and ethno territorial entities within larger national states to self-government. Political decentralization is regarded as a response to an expressed desire for self-government on the part of subnational communities. In such cases, political autonomy is thus a means of generating renewed legitimacy and quelling challenges to the state’s territorial integrity. Administrative and political decentralization also may have a functional goal from the subnational perspective. Arguments for greater involvement in political decision making by local and regional layers of government concern the maximization of available information for policy makers and a better “tailoring” of public policies according to local needs and citizens’ expectations.

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